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发布日期:2024-10-22 21:35浏览次数:
本文摘要:Elon Musk has held out the prospect of Tesla achieving “a few million” in annual car sales by 2025, even as reports of a slowdown in China sales sent shares in the electric car company down more than 7 per cent in after-hours trading.报告表明特斯拉在华销量快速增长上升,造成这家电动汽车公司股价在盘后交易中暴跌逾7%。

Elon Musk has held out the prospect of Tesla achieving “a few million” in annual car sales by 2025, even as reports of a slowdown in China sales sent shares in the electric car company down more than 7 per cent in after-hours trading.报告表明特斯拉在华销量快速增长上升,造成这家电动汽车公司股价在盘后交易中暴跌逾7%。尽管如此,这家加州集团的联合创始人埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)依然预期,在2025年以前,特斯拉年度汽车销量或将超过“几百万辆”。Speaking at an event on the sidelines of the Detroit motor show, the co-founder of the Californian group also said that he believed Tesla could achieve profitability by the end of the decade, as it seeks to prove that the economics behind electric vehicles can work.在底特律车展会场外的一次活动中,马斯克还回应他坚信特斯拉不会在2019年底以前盈利。目前,特斯拉仍然企图证明电动汽车背后的经济模式是有效地的。

“Our mission is fundamentally to transition the world to electric cars,” said Mr Musk. “So if we don’t make a lot of cars, we’re not doing the best that we can.”马斯克回应:“我们的愿景是彻底让世界改向电动汽车。因此,如果我们不生产大量车辆,我们就未尽全力。”But the bullish outlook — which pitches Tesla as a company achieving sales on a par with BMW — was overshadowed after Mr Musk told reporters in Detroit that the carmaker’s sales in China were “unexpectedly weak” during the fourth quarter.这一信心十足的未来发展将特斯拉定位为销量可与宝马(BMW)媲美的企业。

然而,就在底特律,马斯克告诉他记者,去年第四季度特斯拉在华销量“出乎意料地下滑”,这一消息令其上述未来发展掩盖了一层阴影。He said that while there had been “significant” increases in European and North American demand, China had suffered because of “some misperception issues” on the subject of home charging.他说道,尽管欧洲和北美的市场需求曾“大幅度快速增长”,由于在家用电池问题上的“某些误会问题”,特斯拉在中国却遭遇困境。Tesla’s shares were down 7 per cent in after-hours trading at $189.95.消息传到,在盘后交易中,特斯拉股票暴跌7%,跌到至每股189.95美元。

Tesla is working hard to bring a mass market equivalent of its Model S premium saloon to market. Mr Musk said that once the $35,000 vehicle, known as the Model 3, was up to full production by 2020, the lossmaking company would be in the black.目前,特斯拉正在希望将其S型豪华轿车的大众版推向市场。马斯克回应,一旦这款售价3.5万美元、被称作3型轿车的产品在2020年以前全面投产,正处于亏损状态的特斯拉将不会盈利。

“I think we will at some point start showing a profit,” he said. “We feel pretty comfortable saying 2020.”他说道:“我指出,从某一时刻起,公司将开始盈利。回应,十分激进的估算是2020年。

”That vision depends on wider adoption of electric vehicles. The category is expected to still make up only about 1 per cent of vehicles by the end of the decade.这一图景造就电动汽车的更加广泛应用。不过,到这个十年完结前,预计电动汽车占到所有汽车的比例仍将只有约1%。But there are signs that mainstream carmakers are ramping up efforts to produce affordable and practical electric vehicles as they seek to meet stringent CO2 emissions targets.然而,多种迹象指出,为符合严苛的二氧化碳废气目标,主流汽车制造商都增大了研发力度,生产廉价而简单的电动汽车。

Mr Musk was speaking a day after General Motors stole a march on rivals at the Detroit motor show by unveiling a battery electric concept car with a targeted price tag of $30,000.就在马斯克公开发表这番讲话一天前,在底特律车展上,通用汽车(General Motors)悄悄守住先机,透露了一款以电池电力推展的概念车,其目标价位订为3万美元。“Musk continues to show optimism in the electric car market, paired with his ongoing encouragement for other automakers to join him in replacing the internal combustion engine with battery power,” said Karl Brauer, senior analyst at Kelley Blue Book’s KBB.com. “Now it looks like he’s getting his wish.”凯利蓝皮书旗下kbb.com网站资深分析师卡尔布劳尔(Karl Brauer)回应:“对于电力汽车市场,马斯克仍然展现出得十分悲观。与此同时,他也在大大希望其他汽车制造商重新加入他的行列,以电池动力代替内燃机。

如今,他或许正在构建他的心愿。”Mr Musk used the appearance late on Tuesday to urge mainstream carmakers to speed up the development of electric vehicles to get the industry to a point where widespread adoption was possible.此外,马斯克还把周二晚些时候的现身作为契机,呼吁主流汽车制造商减缓研发电动汽车,以便令其该行业超过有可能被人们普遍拒绝接受的临界点。“It’s only going to go there if the big carmakers make risky decisions to make electric vehicles...which is sort of counter-intuitive, because, why do we want all these competitors?”“只有大型汽车制造商决意冒着风险生产电动汽车,整个行业才能抵达这一临界点……这有些违反直觉,原因是,我们为何不会期盼经常出现这么多竞争者?”He added that the need for zero-emission technology was ever more important, given the sharp fall in the oil price that has pushed US consumers towards heavy-duty pick-up trucks and sport utility vehicles.他补足说道,考虑到油价大幅度暴跌将大量美国消费者推上重型皮卡和运动型多功能车,零排放技术的必要性于是以显得前所未有地最重要。

“The need for sustainable transport is incredibly high. Even in the face of massively declining oil prices, I think it actually becomes more urgent that [we make that] transition to electric,” said Mr Musk, who is also co-founder of space flight company SpaceX. “I think that all transport, with the ironic exception of rockets, will go fully electric.”马斯克回应:“可持续性运输的必要性之低令人难以置信。我指出,尽管于是以面对油价下跌,(我们)向电动汽车的转型只不过更加严峻了。我指出,所有运输方式都应当几乎用于电力——除了火箭这样的所谓特例之外。




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